Monday, November 14, 2011

On the path to being domestic

2011 has been a CRAZY YEAR.  I got married and we moved into our newly purchased home.  I worked solidly and consistently, and even won an award for my work.  We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon, and are going to Mexico for Christmas.  There have been weddings, work events out of town, and constant to-do lists.

These last couple of weeks have finally given me time to catch up.  My show is on hiatus, so I can spend my days getting around to things that I have been putting off for months (framing wedding photos), and truly finding my inner housewife.

I'll start by saying that I am not the kind of girl that envisions her life as a stay at home mom, or a stay at home housewife for an extended amount of time.  However, for these short periods of time I have between jobs, I say bring it on.  I am finding so much out about myself in these slower weeks. I am attempting to live a more simple life - sitting and catching up on news and social media over coffee for a couple of hours every morning.  Cleaning or organizing something.  Crossing a few things off my to-do list, such as shredding and cleaning out my HUGE mail pile, paying bills, cleaning out the closet, etc.

I have also come to the conclusion that I love love love to cook and bake.  I used to dabble, but to be honest, in my small apartment where there wasn't any counter space, it made things more annoying than anything.  My new house has a beautiful spacious kitchen, where I can spread out and chop here, mix there and set aside over there.  It's wonderful!  Very few things make me as happy as when I put together some ingredients, and out comes something that my friends, husband and I can enjoy.

I am lucky in my career to have small hiatuses here and there (SMALL is the key word here... I can definitely start going stir crazy if they are too long or too many).  I can really focus on the simple things, keeping a clean, happy, well fed and well smelling home :)